Cleaning To Go

A side-mounted compact cleaning solution with To Go function. Provides the ability to sort smartly in the boxes according to different needs and cleaning purposes. Intuitive to use and attach to the rail. Made to be stored in one place and used wherever it is needed. There is a space for three Cleaning To Go Boxes on one rail. That provides possibility to store cleaning products sorted by purpose. Cleaning To Go Boxes can be lifted away and taken to the location where cleaning is to be performed. Smart handle with a hook on the back of Cleaning To Go Box allows to hang it at any place on the rail and it is also possible to slide and move it in depth to create space for another Cleaning To Go Box. Great match with other utility products from Pelly range.
A side-mounted compact cleaning solution with To Go function. Provides the ability to sort smartly in the boxes according to different needs and cleaning purposes. Intuitive to use and attach to the rail. Made to be stored in one place and used wherever it is needed. There is a space for three Cleaning To Go Boxes on one rail. That provides possibility to store cleaning products sorted by purpose. Cleaning To Go Boxes can be lifted away and taken to the location where cleaning is to be performed. Smart handle with a hook on the back of Cleaning To Go Box allows to hang it at any place on the rail and it is also possible to slide and move it in depth to create space for another Cleaning To Go Box. Great match with other utility products from Pelly range.
Provides the ability to sort smartly in the box according to different needs and cleaning purposes

Techical details

Side mounted
Side mounted
Side mounted




Max load (kg)

3 kg per box, 9 kg total per rail.